Prof. Alfonso Fernández-Canteli
Polytechnic School of Engineering, University of Oviedo
Professor emeritus of Structural Engineering, Polytechnic School of Engineering, University of Oviedo, Spain. Mech. Engineer from the University of the Basque Country 1970. PhD. in Mech. Engineering from the Polytechnic University Madrid, 1981.
Co-editor of 2 conference proceedings, co-author of 1 book in Springer, more than 100 international papers and 100 international conference proceedings. Participation in 40 competitive research projects, 50 industrial research projects and 40 technical reports (related to fatigue, fracture mechanics, modelling, structural pathology, etc.). Director or co-director of 19 Doctoral thesis (3 with European recognition).
Prof. Antonio Martín-Meizoso
University of Navarra, CEIT IK4
Antonio Martín-Meizoso got his doctorate in Naval Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1985). He is a Senior Principal Researcher in the Materials Division at CEIT (since 2004) and a Full Professor at Tecnun (since 2010), where he lectures in the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering departments. His more recent research and teaching are related to the mechanical properties of materials and manufacturing. His research activities focus on: Fracture Mechanics, life assessment, fatigue, and metals at high temperature.
Currently, he is the President for the Spanish Association of Structural Integrity and the Spanish Group on Fracture. This Association awarded him the Medal of Honour in 2000.
In 2007 he was awarded the University of Navarra’s Silver Medal.
Prof. Francesco Iacoviello
Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
Professor Francesco Iacoviello is the President of the Italian Group Fracture (IGF, since 2009) and vice President of the European Structural Integrity Socienty (ESIS) since 2014. He is professor of Metallurgy at the Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale since 2005. He serves on the editorial boards of “Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics” and “Scienze e Ricerche”. Since 2007, he is the Editor in Chief of “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale” (Fracture and Structural Integrity) the on line, international journal of the Italian Group of Fracture.
He completed a M.Sc. degree in nuclear engineering from the Università di Roma “La Sapienza” in 1989 and a Ph.D. degree in “Corrosion-Metallurgie” from Ecole Centrale Paris (France) in 1997. After working for the italian national public broadcasting company (RAI, Radiotelevisione Italiana), he joined the Faculty of Engineering at Università di Cassino in 1992. He was the Director of the Engineering Ph.D. School of the Università di Cassino (2006-2008). He is the responsible of the educational activities in Industrial Engineering (since 2012), responsible for the “Educational innovation” (since 2015) and the Director of the Metallurgy Laboratory at Università di Cassino (since 1998). His research activity is focused on mechanical metallurgy, investigating the fracture behaviour and the damaging micromechanisms of metals and alloys, considering the microstructure and environment influence.
Prof. John W. Hutchinson
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University
John W. Hutchinson is the James and Abbott Lawrence Research Professor of Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. He obtained his undergraduate degree in engineering mechanics at Lehigh University and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Harvard. After a post-doctoral period at the Technical University of Denmark he joined the faculty at Harvard in 1964, where he has spent his career. Hutchinson works broadly in the areas of solid mechanics and structures with current focus on films, coatings and layered materials, on ductile fracture, on plasticity at the micron scale, and in the area on which his lecture at this conference will be concerned, the buckling and imperfection-sensitivity of shells.
Prof. Pedro Camanho
Faculty of Engineering of The University of Porto
Pedro Camanho received his PhD in Composite Materials from the Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, UK, in 1999. He is Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Porto, and Vice-President of the Institute for Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (INEGI).
The main research interests of Pedro Camanho are the mechanics of deformation and fracture of advanced composite materials, and new concepts for lightweight composite materials for aerospace applications such as hybrid, variable stiffness and ultra-thin composites.
Pedro Camanho is member of the Editorial Board of Composites Part A (Elsevier), European Journal of Computational Mechanics (Taylor and Francis) and of Computers, Materials and Continua (Tech Science Press). He was was the chairman of the 3rd Composites Testing and Model Identification Conference – CompTest (2006) and of the 1st ECCOMAS Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (2007).
Pedro Camanho was a Visiting Scientist at NASA-Langley Research Center between 2000 and 2011, and at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. He was a Royal Society Visiting Professor at Imperial College London (2005) and a Visiting Professor at the Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (2014).
Pedro Camanho has coordinated several research projects funded by the European Space Agency, Airbus, Embraer, NASA, Daimler AG, Aernnova, European Union and US Air Force.
Pedro Camanho is the recipient of the 2006 NASA H.J.E. Reid Award for Outstanding Scientific Paper, of the 2005 Young Researcher in Applied and Computational Mechanics Award from the Portuguese Association of Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics, and the 2005-2009 Engineering Fracture Mechanics Most Cited Articles Award. His work has been successfully transferred to the industry and services: finite elements implemented by ABAQUS (Dassault Systèmes), materials models implemented in LS-DYNA, failure criteria in HYPERSIZER and ESACOMP, and test methods that are used by both the automotive and aeronautical industries.
Pedro Camanho is member of the Advisory Board of the European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH). He is member of the Council of the European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM), and of the Engineering Panel of the European Research Council (ERC).
Prof. Manuel Freitas
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa
Manuel Freitas is a Professor (retired) of Mechanical Design and Structural Materials at Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon. Researcher at IDMEC, Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica on the Center for Mechanical Design. He completed the Mechanical Engineer degree at Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (1972) and a PhD degree in Mechanical Sciences at Université de Technologie de Compiegne, France (1982). He was Assistant Professor (1983-1987), Associate Professor (1987-1997) and Full Professor (1998-2013) at Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon and Visiting Professor at École Centrale de Paris, France (1991). Served as Head of Mechanical Engineering Department (2003-2007), Scientific Coordinator of the Research Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (2002-2007) and Vice President of the School Council of Instituto Superior Técnico (2009-2013).
His major research interests include the mechanical behavior of materials under multiaxial loading conditions, namely multiaxial fatigue and fracture of metallic materials and mixed mode delamination of composite materials and applications of these concepts to mechanical engineering design.
Professor Manuel Freitas supervised 10 PhD students and was the Coordinator of the Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing joint doctoral program, between Instituto Superior Técnico ofoTechnical University if Lisbon, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto and School of Engineering of University of Minho; was the editor of two books on Mechanics of Composite Materials and Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture; has published more than 100 papers in international scientific journals.