Prof. Sabrina Vantadori

Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, 43124 Parma-Italy


Sabrina Vantadori is a Professor in Structural Mechanics at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma.  She is the TC3 President (Technical Committee No.3 “Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures”) of ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) since October 2020, and Vice Head of the Laboratory “Prove Materiale e Strutture” of the University of Parma since February 2021.

Her research field is fatigue and fracture mechanics of traditional and innovative materials at different length scales.

She received 7 Scientific International Awards.  She was the chairperson of 3 International Conferences, member of International Scientific Advisory Committee of several International Conferences, and keynote speakers of 6 International Conferences.  She was editor of 11 Special Issues of International Journals.  She is committee member of 3 international journals with peer-review.  She is author of more then 130 publications on international peer-reviewed journal with impact factor.