Greg Olson

Professor Dr. G. B. Olson

MIT; Cambridge, MA – USA

Professor Greg Olson joined department as the Thermo-Calc Professor of the Practice, in 2020. Dr. Olson is a product of MIT, having earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in DMSE in 1970, 1970, and 1974, respectively. He worked with Professor Morris Cohen for his Ph.D. and held positions as Research Associate (1974–1979), Principal Research Associate (1979–85), and Senior Research Associate (1985–88). In 1988, he took a tenured full Professor position at Northwestern, where he was later awarded the Walter P. Murphy chair. At Northwestern, he rose to the top of the field of computational materials science, and he is now considered the father of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), the industrial practice of computationally designing materials and their processing paths. Along with his scientific and academic work, in 1997 Professor Olson founded the first and most successful computational materials design firm, Questek Innovations. This entrepreneurial Venture-built connections to users of structural steels and alloys and applied the newly developing toolkits of ICME to solve industrial problems, including the first documented commercial successes in computational steel design. Professor Olson has been honored with election to NAE and AAAS, Fellowship in TMS, and the ASM International Gold Medal.